CEO’s Message

July 2024

Fellow shareholders,

The Lara Project is a significant asset and provides an outstanding opportunity for Nova Pacific to continue exploration and development from where previous operators left off simply due to deteriorating metal prices encountered in the late 1980’s when gold was priced at $430/oz, copper at $1.50/lb., silver at $7/oz, zinc at $0.67/lb. and lead at $0.50 lb.

Today, we enjoy robust metal prices for gold at $2,350/oz, copper at $4.50/lb., silver at $30/oz, zinc at $1.30/lb. and lead at $1.00/lb. Now these higher prices are breathing new life into mineral deposits such as the Lara and then combined with the advancements in exploration, development, and metallurgical recoveries we plan to employ our future looks extremely promising.

Our team is just getting started and work is underway with exploration permissions applied for and consultations with the Hul’qumi’num Nations of southern Vancouver Island and their indigenous communities are getting underway. We are anxious to demonstrate our team’s strong commitment to the Company’s strategy of building wealth through ethical practices, strong fiscal management, and transparency at all levels of activity.

I want to thank longtime shareholders and recent shareholders alike for their faith and support. The company will be holding its annual meeting in person at 10:am Pacific Time, Thursday, August 8,2024, Suite 2600 – 1066 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 3X1. The Company encourages shareholders to vote in advance of the meeting using your Proxy or VIF form, as applicable.  Shareholders wishing to attend the annual meeting may do so by contacting the Company at  +1.416.918.6785.

Kindest regards,

J. Malcolm Bell, 
Chief Executive Officer, Director.